Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cat Eyebrows

Today, we take a spin in my limousine (Which I now plan to put a shark tank inside of) down memory lane, as we revisit one of my first complaints about life: the cat. But we are not talking about the cat itself, mind you. Today, we are talking about the cat's cleverly hidden... EYEBROWS!!!! 

Before continuing, take a look at a cat (Or open a picture of a cat on Google. You'll see what I mean [Not that I actually do anything on Google for real, mind you]). You will no doubtedly notice the mustache that we call "Whiskers." (Really, Lemmings? WHISKERS?! What, did cats at one point in time use them to whisk eggs for their masters?) But look closely above their eyes. And what should you see? Nothing other then CAT EYEBROWS! These disgusting things look like whiskers gone mad! They are the same color as a cat mustache (Pardon, "WHISKERS"), but they tower upwards like bug antennae! And think about it; what if on those skinny little threads are microscopic eyes, observing everything we do... finding how to get into your room un-detected... discovering all your secrets (This is made easier for them if you tell them willingly)... until one day... THEY WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! ...Couldn't resist. 

Would you really just stand back and watch as a alien brigade takes over the universe? ...Yes? You're lazy. ...No? You either are heroic, or you have a death wish. But either way, take action! Do away with your "Fluffs", and it might not be too late! And remember: there might be such a thing as a HOT dog, but there isn't such a thing as a COOL cat. 

Talk amongst yourselves! 

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