Hello and welcome to my fabulous and informative lifestyle blog. My name is Maximilian Forge. You perhaps have heard of my sister, Faith Forge, the Ghost Sniffer. However, her web series (which shockingly just secured a DVD deal and theatrical release perhaps by baking someone cupcakes) is quite renown and so I must accept her place in my universe, however reluctantly I do so.
My blog shall attempt to focus on the stupid and inane not to mention the asinine truths that so many mindless mobs of idiotic lemmings lean toward. With that in mind, enjoy!
Hello, my adoring fans. Today I will be talking about one of mankind's favorite pets. The cat.
What are they good for? Not much, as far as I've heard. I mean, seriously, people. All they do is sleep! And eat! And make you turn on the faucet for them so they can drink out of it, even though their water bowl is full!
And another thing: for all we know, they could be aliens from another planet, making us serve them with their brain numbing rays!
And if you don't believe me when I say cats are trouble with a capital "T", remember all the money you are spending on cat food!
Hear me, blog readers! Cats are evil! They are just waiting for the right moment to overrun mankind! So be prepared, for one day your dear "Fluffy" will turn on you. And by "Fluffy", I refer to your cat, whatever it might be named. I leave you with that thought.
Talk amongst yourselves!